Lawn Seed Backyard 1kg
A hardy all round grass seed blend for general purpose back yard lawn care all year round.
This blend is a three-way blend of true winter active ryegrasses (75%), a creeping red fescue (20%) and NZ browntop (5%) three true winter active ryegrasses which contain Mediterranean germplasm (Colosseum, Arena 1 and Tambour), a creeping red fine fescue and browntop (Agrostis capillaris). This blend contains the most robust, fast establishing and winter-active cultivars from each species of grass. The ryegrasses are New Zealand bred true winter-active types (bred with Mediterranean germplasm), which with the genetic diversity this offers, exhibit exceptional year-round growth and quality and can be sown at any time of the year. They are fast establishing, winter-active and summer persisting varieties. The fine fescue is a creeping red fescue with outstanding winter colour, excellent disease, drought and shade tolerance and can thrive with both high and low inputs. The brown top chosen is a fine dense type with good colour and the ability to produce good looking turf at either low mow or higher mow situations.
Predominantly endophyte enhanced (most varieties contain endophyte)
- Very fast establishing
- True winter activity from Mediterranean genetics
- Moderate shade tolerance
- Fine leaf texture
- Very dense
- Mid-green colour
- Good drought tolerance
Good disease resistance in humid climate.
If we sowed the grass seed at 40 grams per m2 a 1kg bag of lawn seed will be ample to cover 20m2, and more than enough for 1 x bulk bag of either lawn mix or topsoil no matter how thick you laid the soil. 1kg will be enough to sow a new lawn then over sow when desired, or for patch repair as required.